The World Series of Poker (WSOP) is under fire from disappointed players yet again.
After numerous complaints concerning payout structures, long lines and event variety, a vocal cohort of players have identified the most serious shortcoming of poker's premier annual event to date: chips that are far, far too round.
“WTF isup [sic] wih [sic] WSOP chipps [sic],” read a tweet from @PokerGodzInHear. “Its [sic] like a stahk [sic] of tiny wheells [sic].”
WSOP officials insist that the chips are of a standard roundness, and no more or less round than chips used at other tournaments or at the World Series in the the past.
“Chips are round,” said WSOP spokesperson Seth Palansky. “They're round. They've always been round. I don't even understand what you're asking me to comment on.”
But many players aren't buying it.
“First the Colossus payouts and now these chips, “said a player who wished to remain anonymous due to fears that WSOP officials would only seat him in the 10 seat for complaining.
“They're so round,” the player said, “that it's like I can't even really tell where they begin and where they end.”
A thread on the topic has engulfed TwoPlusTwo, where posters claim to have uncovered a vast conspiracy to increase the ovality of the tables at the WSOP in order to make the chips appear rounder than they are.
The WSOP isn't taking the criticism lying down.
WSOP Media Director Nolan Dalla issued a blistering response to detractors on his blog titled “Our Chips Are Exactly As Round As They Should Be.”
Dalla's multi-page rebuttal addressed his preference for name-brand raisin bran cereal over generic variants, ranked his favorite Las Vegas pastimes by aggravation factor, previewed the upcoming season of Poker Night in America, reminisced about the beverage service at the 1999 World Series and made no mention whatsoever of the roundness of chips at the WSOP.
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