There is a whole lot of gambling problem support out there if you need it.

And if you don’t know where to start, we’re going to try to explain what each type means. It’s not easy to stop gambling. But if you have a problem, there is support out there for you to overcome your addiction.

Exploring any of these options means you’re making a positive start in stopping gambling for good. Finding the right mix of supports might take time, but it is time well spent if it means you can start living your life without gambling.

Gambling problem support organizations

There are so many organizations all over the world out there that have articles, support, tips, helplines and ways of finding groups. Depending on where you are, you’ll find a number of different organizations. Here are some of the ones that might be suitable for you:

Group chats

You can find a lot of different online chat rooms and forums full of people who also want to quit gambling. Reading their experiences and talking to them in real time can help you find your tribe.

Another thing you can do is to find in-person support groups. Seeing people in person and talking through your traumas can be very therapeutic. The most famous support groups like this are Gamblers Anonymous, run all over the world. But there are other support groups available too.

Talking to a professional

Talking to an expert who’s trained in talking to people with gambling addictions is really useful. But there isn’t one route to go down. There are a lot of different types of therapy, including cognitive behavioural therapy, psychoanalysis and psychiatry.

Treatment centers

Going in for treatment for a few weeks or months can be a crucial way to overcome gambling addiction. Here, there are multi-disciplinary gambling problem support teams that can help you quit gambling for good. Being in a different environment can be crucial to your success and breaking your habits. Although it can be expensive, it is well worth trying.

Often, this will involve a mix of one-on-one counselling and intensive group therapy. Sometimes your loved ones might also come in for sessions. It is not an easy thing to do, but it can be very effective for a lot of people.

More responsible gambling articles

If you’d like to read some more information on responsible gambling, here are just some of our articles on the topic: